
Experian VS CIBIL

Experian VS CIBIL: Major differences

For those who require credit regularly, having a good credit score is essential. When applying for a business loan or a credit card, the lender will always check our credit rating before granting the loan. The score will determine the terms and conditions of the loan, such as limit, interest rate, and the repayment period. …

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Small Business Ideas in India for Entrepreneurs

Small Business Ideas in India for Entrepreneurs

A monotonous, 9-5 job isn’t for everyone. For some people, the sky’s the limit when it comes to choosing what they want to do with their lives, and this ambition may not necessarily fit into an office cubicle. If you have always dreamt of owning a business, now is the right time to take that …

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Best Instant Business Loan App in India

Best Instant Business Loan App in India

Looking for a short term business loan but not wanting to spend time on cumbersome documentation? If you are looking for a business loan with just a click, you need not go elsewhere. Download the FlexiLoans app now. FlexiLoans is an NBFC registered with RBI. It is the best instant business loan app in India.It …

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Business Loan Tips for Young Entrepreneurs in India

Business Loan Tips for Young Entrepreneurs in India

In the post-pandemic era, young entrepreneurs are one of the prominent driving forces for economic growth in India. The MSME sector comprises more than 40% of the GDP and offers employment to a large number of people. Several factors impact the smooth working of a small business. Some of them are infrastructural needs, marketability, patience, …

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How to Negotiate a Business Loan

How to Negotiate a Business Loan

Without capital, you cannot start or develop your business. Unfortunately, asking for and receiving a business loan is not always a quick or stress-free process. Furthermore, some small company owners assume they must accept loans at face value and cannot discuss the terms. Fortunately, this is not the case. So, what aspects of a business …

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Business Ideas In Bihar

Business Ideas In Bihar

Bihar is located in the eastern part of India and is now called a developing state because most entrepreneurs are looking to establish their businesses in Bihar. The state is famous for high-quality silk, jute industry, sugar industry, etc. Day by day, the state is rapidly growing in businesses like restaurants, malls, hotels, coaching institutes, …

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Best Business Ideas in Tamil Nadu

Best Business Ideas in Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu has vast resources and has grown tremendously in infrastructure, innovation, and knowledge. Well-connected to land and sea, the state has suitable climate and transportation options, ideal for businesses. Getting a skilled workforce is not too difficult in the state. Moreover, the higher education institutions in Tamil Nadu fulfil the managerial force requirement. To …

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Small Business Ideas in Punjab

Small Business Ideas in Punjab

Earlier, Punjab was known as the “Food Bowl of India” due to its abundance of agricultural products. Slowly, the image is getting replaced with its youth turning to entrepreneurship, transforming the state’s business landscape. In this blog, we have tried to discuss some of the new business ideas in Punjab or the Best Business ideas …

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business ideas in Pune

Business Ideas in Pune With Low Investment

Pune is a city with myriad opportunities for starting a new business. It is also known as an IT hub in line with the silicon city of India. Moreover, it is India’s top automobile manufacturing hub and is also an educational epicentre popularly known as the Oxford of the East. With such diversity in every …

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